GIROVAGANDO | HAWAII di Daniela Schiazzano
La nostra inviata viaggiatrice nel mondo Daniela Schiazzano ci porta alle Hawaii come sesta tappa.
Le Hawaii fanno parte degli USA. E' l'unico stato che è un arcipelago e che si trova nei tropici. Comprende 137 isole vulcaniche. Hawaii is a state in the Western United States, about 2,000 miles (3,200 km) from the U.S. mainland in the Pacific Ocean. It is the only U.S. state outside North America, the only state that is an archipelago, and the only state in the tropics. Hawaii comprises nearly the entire Hawaiian archipelago, 137 volcanic islands spanning 1,500 miles (2,400 km) that are physiographically and ethnologically part of the Polynesian subregion of Oceania. The state's ocean coastline is consequently the fourth-longest in the U.S., at about 750 miles. Hawaii
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